
Showing posts from October, 2017

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किसानों के लिए एक मोटर में दो मशीन चलाने का जुगाड़

किसान बचत कैसे करें  भारत में किसान के लिए बचत ही उसका मुनाफा है। क्योंकि बाजार उसके अनुकूल नहीं है। जो भी किसान फसल उगाता है, वो पशुपालन भी करता है। इस प्रकार किसान पशुपालन के द्वारा अतिरिक्त आय अर्जित करता है। ये अतिरिक्त आय ही उसकी बचत होती है। किसान अपने छोटे छोटे खोजी तरीकों से बचत के तरिके ढूंढता रहता है। आज हम यहाँ ऐसे ही एक तरीके की बात कर रहे है। जी हाँ किसान की बचत का एक तरीका जिसे अपनाकर किसान अपनी बचत व श्रम का बेहतर तरीके से उपयोग का सकता है। हम बात करेंगे चारा काटने वाली मशीन की। हर किसान पशुपालन करता है। पशुओं की देखरेख में उसका बहुत सा समय जाया होता है। अगर ऐसे तरीके अपनाकर वह कार्य करे तो उसके धन व समय की बचत होगी। आज हम इस वीडियो में हरा चारा काटने वाली मशीन के प्रयोग की बात करेंगे।  एक मोटर से दो मशीन कैसे चलाएं  जैसा की वीडियो में दिखाया गया है, सबसे पहले आप बाजार से 5 X 3 फ़ीट के दो पत्थर लेकर आएं। फिर चारा काटने वाली मशीन के पैरों के नाप से उस पर चार छेद करके नट व बोल्ट की सहायता से मशीन को अच्छे से उस पत्थर पर फिक्स कर लें। ...

Convert your voice in typing in any language. How this work ?

Convert your voice in typing in any language. How this work ? I have tried to tell in this video that how can you change the speech in typing. You can convert your speech into typing in any language of the world through Google Docs. If you are an author or blogger or typewriter, then this video can bring a revolutionary change for you. If you like the video, Tumbush up and share the course. Share with your friends who have to pay a daily typing. In this you will need internet with desktop. Apart from this, a mic that could detect your voice properly. If you are having any problems with this, please comment me I will help you.

Do you know ? क्या आप जानते है ? This skills help you to..!

अपनी आवाज को टाइपिंग में बदलें। अगर आप एक ब्लॉगर हैं या लेखक हैं तो यह वीडियो आपकी मदद कर सकता है। इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आपको यह बता रहा हूं कि आप को कैसे टाइपिंग के झंझट से छुटकारा मिल सकता है। सबसे पहले आपको अपने डेक्स टॉप को इंटरनेट से कनेक्ट करना होगा। इंटरनेट से कनेक्ट करने के बाद आप गूगल ड्राइव जो गूगल की ऐप्स होती हैं वहां पर जाएंगे। Google एप्स में जाने के बाद आपको माय ड्राइव में जाना होगा। माय ड्राइव में जाने के बाद जो इंटरफ़ेस आपके सामने ओपन होगा वहां पर टूल्स बटन होगा। उस बटन को दबाने पर आपको वॉइस टाइपिंग का ऑप्शन मिलेगा वॉइस टाइपिंग का यानि कि जो आप लिखते हैं वह आपको टाइप न करके आप उसको बोल कर के लिख सकते हैं। इसमें आप हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनो भाषाओं में अच्छी स्पीड के साथ लिख सकते हैं। ज्यादा विवरण के लिए आप वीडियो देखें। अगर आपको इसमें किसी प्रकार की दिक्कत आती है तो आप मुझे वीडियो सेक्सन में  नीचे कमेंट कर सकते हैं। इस ब्लॉग में मुझे कमेंट करके बता सकते हैं। मैं आपकी पूरी मदद करूंगा।

History of Kathputli puppet theatre and live video of Rajasthan

History of Kathputli and live video of Rajasthan Kathputli or Puppets are one of the art traditions which is not only old but very rich in content. Kathputli dance or show can be the references of Rajasthani ballads, local folk tales and also the folk songs. A great puppet show is like a light hearted story telling format in which audience get easily involved and moved by the performances of artists. This traditional art is been performed by the Rajasthani tribes or villagers. They visit several towns and cities and perform shows and in this way they earn their bread and butter. Kathputli is one of the ancient art forms and that has become an eternal part of Rajasthani culture and tradition. Puppets shows are been performed in each and every village shows, religious shows and any kinds of social gathering in Rajasthan. Several studies have been done on Kathputli and it is known also as string marionette art. People of Rajasthan are too much attached of their own culture and...

Hawa Mahal Jaipur - Architecture, Facts, History & Visit Timing

Hawa Mahal Jaipur Hawa Mahal or the 'Palace Of The Winds' located in the heart of the beautiful Pink City of Jaipur in Rajasthan, India, is one of the most famous tourist attractions and a prominent landmark of the city that is renowned for its rich cultural and architectural history. Built in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh of the Kachhwaha Rajput dynasty, this beautiful structure is predominantly a high screen wall made of pink and red sandstone that facilitated royal women to get an eyeful of the street festivals and busy city life while remaining out of the view of public. This five-storey building in the shape of a crown of Lord Krishna with 953 jharokhas or windows and a beautifully decorated façade resembling a honeycomb of a beehive that gives one a feel of the rich heritage of the Rajputs. The Hawa Mahal is located on the main road near Badi Chaupar and City Palace complex. It is walking distance from other attractions such as Jantar Mantar and City Pala...

Travel guide Albert Hall, Ram Niwas Bagh Jaipur, Rajasthan

Travel guide Albert Hall, Ram Niwas Bagh Jaipur, Rajasthan The Albert Hall Museum is a museum in Jaipur in Rajasthan, India. It is the oldest museum of the state and functions as the State museum of Rajasthan. The building is situated in Ram Niwas Garden outside the city wall opposite New gate and is a fine example of Indo-Saracenic architecture. The building was designed by Sir Samuel Swinton Jacob, assisted by Mir Tujumool Hoosein, and was opened as public museum in 1887. It is also called the Government Central Museum. Maharaja Ram Singh initially wanted this building to be a town hall, but his successor, Madho Singh II, decided it should be a museum for the art of Jaipur and included as part of the new Ram Nivas Garden. The museum has a rich collection of artifacts including paintings, carpets, ivory, stone, metal sculptures, and works in crystal. It is named after King Edward VII (Albert Edward), during whose visit to the city as the Prince of Wales, its foun...

Travel Guide Laxmi Narayan Tample (Birla Mandir) Jaipur

Travel Guide Laxmi Narayan Tample (Birla Mandir) Jaipur The Birla temple was built on the land given to the Birla family by the Maharaja, for just a token sum of one rupee. Birla mandir has three domes to represent the three religions of India, a tribute to the secular nature of the country. Temple is a popular architectural wonder of Jaipur. Located below the Moti Dungri Hill, Birla Mandir is easily accessible from the city of Jaipur. One can take local buses, rickshaws or can hire taxis to reach the Birla Temple Three different approaches to the religion are depicted by the three colossal domes of the temple. The Temple can be entered by taking a flight of marble steps. Outside the main shrine, there are many stained glass windows, portraying the scenes from Hindu Mythology. Inside the shrine, the idols have a majestic appeal about them. These remarkable idols are sculpted beautifully and appear, as if, they would address the onlooker in no time at all. Birla Mandir, ...

Your festive vacation is Jaipur ? by Discovery of Rajasthan

Vaishali Nagar is an affluent neighbor in the southwestern part of Jaipur.  Vaishali Nagar stretches from Queens Road in the East to Delhi Bypass in West and Ajmer Road in South to Sirsi Road in North. Amenity-- Inox Cinema Hall in Vaibhav Multiplex at Amrapali Circle. It also has outlets of all major brands like Raymond, Park Avenue, Nike, Wrangler, Reebok, Lee, Levis, Jockey, with exqulusive showrooms. There are a number of colonies; namely, Vaishali Nagar blocks A to F, Neminagar, Nemisagar, Gandhi path, Hanumannagar A, B, and C blocks, RSEB colony, Pratapnagar, Gangasagar, Neminagar extnension, Officers campus, and Gomes Defense. There are about 20 branches of various private and PSU banks. Car accessory showrooms such as Stereo Nation have their own clients. This area has become a satellite city of Jaipur and the residents do not have to meet their daily needs. Rather, people from the main city There are a number of class restaurants such as KFC. The main point of at...

healthy meals by south indian cookies in metro cities.

Healthy Meals in Rajasthan by south indian cookies in metro cities. मसाला डोसा   #Masala #Dosa II #healthy #meals II क्रेप कागज के समान होता है जिसमे आलू का मसाला भरकर उसे नारियल की चटनी और सांबर के साथ परोसा जाता है. आइये जाने की दक्षिण भारतीय मसाला डोसा  #healthy #meals #Masala #Dosa #recipe In Hindi कैसे बनाया जाता है? सामग्री कवच:-  1) 1 ½ कप चावल 2) ½ कप उड़द दाल 3) स्वादानुसार नमक 4) तेल सामग्री मसाला:- 1) 2 बड़े आलू 2) 1 मध्यम प्याज (कटा हुआ) 3) ½ चम्मच पिली कटी हुई मटर 4) ½ चम्मच सरसों के बीज 5) ½ चम्मच हल्दी 6) 1-2 हरी मिर्च 7) 1 बड़ा चम्मच तेल 8) स्वादानुसार नमक डोसा कैसे तैयार करें? अलग-अलग चावल और उड़द दाल को कम से कम 6 घंटो तक पानी में रखे. बाद में उनका मिक्सर में पेस्ट बना ले. दोनों के पेस्ट को अच्छी तरह मिला ले, उसमे नमक और थोडा पानी डाले. और उसे रातभर भिगोये रहने दे. प्याज और मिर्ची को थोडा कूट ले. तवे को गर्म करे और उसपर थोडा घी या तेल डाले. मिश्रण को तवे पर गोलाकार आकार में डाले. और निचली सतह हल्की भूरी होते ही तवे से निचे ...

Chamak Chamak ghughra paglya me baje by Discovery of Rajasthan

Chamak Chamak ghughra paglya me baje by Discovery of Rajasthan In Rajasthan , the music is according to the different castes in which these castes come - Langa , Sapera , Manganiar Bhopa and Jogi . Here there are two traditional classes of musicians , one Langa and the other demander . The song of women in traditional music in Rajasthan which is very famous, which is called ( panihari ). Apart from these musicians of different castes sing in different ways. Snake Bean playing snake is Nchata then bhopal which grass is singing. Music of Rajasthan A lot of songs have been sung on folk deities Apart from these, people of different castes sing different ways. If the snake beats the snake by singing the bean , then sing in the Bhodha fad . Rajasthan in the music Lokdewatao is also singing on which mainly Pabuji is sung, Baba Ramdev, Tejaji hymns etc. Lokdewataon. Rajasthan's music is a music of Rajasthan which is a state of India . Its major music zones are Jodhpur , Jaipur , Jai...

A simple village life in western Rajasthan

A simple village life in western Rajasthan.  Watch how villagers are surviving in Rajasthan village. Subscribe channel so you can see upcoming videos on this topic. For what is referred to as a desert, Rajasthan is amazingly populated: its landscape scattered with a number of villages and hamlets, telltale signs of tree groves and populations of cattle being the only indication that there is such a settlement in close proximity.  The typical village has always been difficult to spot till one is actually upon it. Its simplest hamlets, the most basic form of civilisation with a way of life that has probably remained unchanged since centuries, consists of a collection of huts that are circular, and have thatched roofs.The walls are covered with a plaster of clay, cow dung, and hay, making a termite-free (antiseptic) facade that blends in with the sand of the countryside around it. Boundaries for houses and land holdings, called baras, are made of the dry branches of a...